Benchmark - 85B9101

Benchmark Number 85B9101
Established In 1985
Condition GOOD
Latitude N/A
Longitude N/A
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Setting NA
Description Set vertically in the concrete surface of the Sand Pt Marine Terminal wharf. BM is in the top of the 0.30 m high wheelguard which forms the perimeter of wharf. BM is in the abutment of the wharf, 2.11 m W of the beginning of the wheelguard, 0.51 m NE of the SW face of the wharf. The BM is 36.8m E of the inside corner of the wharf and 0.28m NE of a fresh water pipeline whick runs along the outside of the wharf. BM 86B9101 is 57.5m west of BM 85B9100.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
1985-01-01 9.719 ACTIVE CD