Benchmark - 90L001

Benchmark Number 90L001
Established In 2001
Condition GOOD
Latitude 47.838889
Longitude -69.873056
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description GSC convex tablet stamped 90L001, set vertically on the De la Traverse wharf, at the end of Du Festival Street, 0.5 km southeast of the intersection with Route 138. The marker is located on top of the boat bumper on the easternmost wharf, 185.0 m west of the middle of the ramp or more precisely 32.0 m from the centre of the access to the ramp, 1.10 m from the south edge of the corner of the bumper, 2.0 m from the south side of the wharf and 2.10 m from the east side of the wharf.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2010-07-29 7.412 ACTIVE CD