Benchmark - 87K0275

Benchmark Number 87K0275
Established In 2001
Condition GOOD
Latitude 48.243778
Longitude -70.179722
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description MRNQ tablet on a pipe stamped 87K0275, sunk into the ground in a sewer, northeast of the house at street address 358, about 15.0 m from the house. The BM is located 2.0 m from the right-of-way of St-Jean-Baptiste Street, in the yacht club parking lot, 2.10 m from a beacon, 12.55 m from a H-Q pole, 38.65 m from the northeast corner of the yacht club and 23.90 m from the stairwell.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2023-06-06 10.384 ACTIVE CD