Benchmark - 4-1981

Benchmark Number 4-1981
Established In 1981
Condition GOOD
Latitude 58.394476
Longitude -68.213416
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A standard CHS tablet stamped 4-1981, located approximately 6.4 km from the narrows, up river on the western bank of the Koksoak. It is SE of control station CEC on the second prominent point NNE of recommended mooring # 2. It is 3m above HHW on the western end of a gully. Positioned with Trimble R9 GPS in 2017. Updated 2017 BM elevations based on water level transfer form on 2019-01-28. Coordinates updated based on 2017 PPP solution.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2017-08-01 12.589 ACTIVE CD