Benchmark - 97L9200

Benchmark Number 97L9200
Established In 1997
Condition GOOD
Latitude 62.14451
Longitude -74.694901
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A CHS bronze tablet set vertically in bedrock, on the highest point of a large rock outcrop, east of the large storage shed at the Falconbridge loading dock in Deception Bay PQ. It is 7.5 metres west southwest of the southernmost steel mooring bollard which is set in a concrete pad on the bedrock and 52 metres east of the east face of the storage shed. 24 hr occupation in 2012 positioned with Novatel GPS and calculated with CSRS-PPP (V 1.05 05211 ).
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
N/A 11.988 ACTIVE CD