Benchmark - 13-1954

Benchmark Number 13-1954
Established In 1954
Condition NOT_FOUND
Latitude 48.9882
Longitude -123.808
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description In Ladysmith Harbour, between Holland Bank and Slag Point, at the inshore end of the public wharf, in the concrete footing under north side of the wharf approach, set in the northeast corner of the top of footing, a bronze tablet marked: "Hydrographic Service Canada BM 13 1954". BM looked for (KC/Nov 24/03) but not found, BM likely destroyed. New retaining wall near location. Public wharf no longer there. Hillside covered in blackberry bush. (RKW Feb/11)
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
N/A 10.005 ACTIVE CD