Benchmark - 93C9865

Benchmark Number 93C9865
Established In N/A
Condition GOOD
Latitude 51.991533
Longitude -128.413567
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Setting NA
Description Located on the east side of Goose Island, about 1.8 kilometers from the north end, on the south side of the bay, on a prominent point, 11.0 metres east of 93C9865, 1.5 metres east of the dtump of a small tree, set in rock, a bronze tablet market: "Hydrographic Service, Canada, 93C9866."
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
1993-05-09 7.085 ACTIVE CD
N/A 4.574 ACTIVE CGVD2013
2017-10-25 -8.715 ACTIVE NAD83_CSRS
2017-10-25 4.478 ACTIVE CGVD28_HTv2_0