Benchmark - M19C9058

Benchmark Number M19C9058
Established In 2019
Condition GOOD
Latitude 53.056415
Longitude -132.29043
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code CD
Description Located on the north shore of Security Cove in Englefield Bay, directly north of Security Point, west and NW of extensive mud flats at the head of the cove near a prominent close-off rock awash, on a rocky outcrop a bronze tablet marked "Canadian Hydrographic Service M19C9058." Located 6m west of M19C9057 and 18.8m east of M19C9059.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2024-06-17 -5.916 ACTIVE NAD83_CSRS
2024-06-17 2.452 ACTIVE CGVD28_HTv2_0
2024-06-17 2.764 ACTIVE CGVD2013
2024-12-12 4.982 ACTIVE CD