Benchmark - 69U140

Benchmark Number 69U140
Established In 1969
Condition GOOD
Latitude 49.01157
Longitude -88.2633
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description Geodetic Survey of Canada tablet stamped 69U140, set horizontally in southwest concrete foundation wall of post office building, 38 cm from southerly corner, 64 cm below red brick, 33 cm above ground, at northeast corner of Front St and 2nd St E, slightly above road level. Determined not good for GPS occupation. Description updated based on 2019 field notes, NRCAN station report and coordinates taken with hand held GPS +/- 8m.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
1992-01-01 23.489 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985
1992-01-01 206.721 ACTIVE IGLD85