Benchmark - 3146

Benchmark Number 3146
Established In 1959
Condition GOOD
Latitude 46.533167
Longitude -84.523194
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A G.S.C. bronze tablet stamped 3146 and set in a framehouse, residence of C.M Houser, 5.12km east of Gros Cap, 37m west of centreline of Prince Lake Road and 61m north of centre line of road to Gros Cap, tablet in east concrete foundation wall, .4m from southeast corner and .61 m below top. Visible from road. Coordinates based on 2022 field notes.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
N/A 220.512 ACTIVE IGLD85
N/A 37.409 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985