Benchmark - 10475 1985

Benchmark Number 10475 1985
Established In 1985
Condition UNSTABLE
Latitude 46.512706
Longitude -84.363298
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A Canadian Hydrographic Service bronze horizontal control tablet stamped 10475 1985 set vertically in the southern breakwater at the approaches to the Upper Canadian Locks near the small craft call-in station. The plug is 4.22 metres north of the eastern most bollard on the pier, 1.06 metres south of the north edge of the breakwater and 18.5 metres northeast of the small craft call-in booth. Benchmark appears to have become unstable.

Horizontal position updated September 2018 using sketch, description and Google Earth.

Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
1992-01-01 184.201 ACTIVE IGLD85
1999-01-01 1.201 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985