Benchmark - MIDDLE SOO

Benchmark Number MIDDLE SOO
Established In 1926
Condition GOOD
Latitude 46.512752
Longitude -84.357932
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A G.S.C. iron bolt set vertically in top of stone abutment for the emergency dam above lock and on south side of canal, 7 m from west end and 46 cm from south side.

Above Sault Ste. Marie Lock. Updated coordinates based on sketch below, previous coordinates (46.513333, 84.356667).

Unique number changed June 2021 from 26U002 to XXU9510 to match NRCAN database.

Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
1992-01-01 186.662 ACTIVE IGLD85
1999-01-01 3.662 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985