Benchmark - 73U131

Benchmark Number 73U131
Established In 1973
Condition GOOD
Latitude 45.598056
Longitude -80.375417
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description Geodetic Survey of Canada tablet stamped 73U131, set vertically on top of large concrete culvert under Highway No. 69, 0.1 km northwest of junction with Highway No. 644, 39 cm east of west end, 30 cm north of south edge of culvert and 15 cm below road level (NRCAN Description).

Benchmark added based on April 2019 field notes, coordinates provided using handheld GPS: +/-3m. Elevations taken from NRCAN Station Report.

Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2021-05-20 7.594 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985
1992-01-01 183.598 ACTIVE IGLD85