Benchmark - 89U066
Benchmark Number | 89U066 |
Established In | 1989 |
Condition | DESTROYED |
Latitude | 43.745 |
Longitude | -81.726944 |
Reference Benchmark | No |
Vertical Datum Code | UNKNOWN |
Setting | VERTICAL |
Description | A G.S.C. bronze tablet stamped 89U066 set vertically in the concrete pier approximately 1.0 metres west of the northwest corner of the gauge house. Horizontal Position updated to NAD83CSRS in January 2010. Destroyed in pier construction. |
Date | Elevation | Status | Vertical Datum Code |
N/A | 1.625 | ACTIVE | CDIGLD1985 |
N/A | 177.627 | ACTIVE | IGLD85 |