Benchmark - IBC-55

Benchmark Number IBC-55
Established In 1958
Condition GOOD
Latitude 42.990617
Longitude -82.4212
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description An IBC brass tablet marked International Boundary Commission Reference Mark with an arrow pointing about 310 degrees Magnetic. The reference tablet is set in the top of a 0.9 m high concrete conical pillar with the numbers 55 embossed into the southern side of the pillar. The pillar is painted white. It is 12.3 metres north of the northeast corner of a small building, 28.1 metres west of a chainlink fence, 6.3 metres southeast of a maple tress, 15.8 metres east of the St. Clair River. Hand-held GPS position: 42-59.437'N, 82-25.272'W, +/- 4 m, WGS84. (2017-04-28 C.Robinson)

Previous position: N 42.990639, W 82.421167.

Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
N/A 178.549 ACTIVE IGLD85
2005-01-01 2.899 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985