Benchmark - 3039
Benchmark Number | 3039 |
Established In | 1959 |
Condition | UNKNOWN |
Latitude | 42.293312 |
Longitude | -82.713336 |
Reference Benchmark | No |
Vertical Datum Code | UNKNOWN |
Setting | NA |
Description | A G.S.C. bronze tablet stamped 3039, set in a concrete C.N.R. bridge over Belle River, at west limit of village. It is located east of West River Road and west of Belle River; tablet is in north face of west concrete abutment, 67cm from northwest corner and 61cm below top. Horizontal Position updated to NAD83CSRS in January 2010.
Horizontal position updated September 2018 using sketch, description and Google Earth. Previous position: N 42.293056, W 82.713056. |
Date | Elevation | Status | Vertical Datum Code |
N/A | 177.056 | ACTIVE | IGLD85 |
N/A | 2.664 | ACTIVE | CDIGLD1985 |