Benchmark - 3650 G.S.C.

Benchmark Number 3650 G.S.C.
Established In 1965
Condition GOOD
Latitude 41.967201
Longitude -82.532124
Reference Benchmark Yes
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description A G.S.C. ground rod with brass cap in Pelee Point National Park, opposite entrance to marsh boardwalk, 2.3km SW of park admin building. 136m NW of entrance to park maintenance compound. 18.3m SW of centreline of road, 14.0m NE corner of wire fence around compound, 14.6m NW of "Marsh Boardwalk" sign, at road level (description updated May 2019). Previously noted as NOT RECOVERED 1972 and 1975. Coordinates determined by 2018 final PPP. NAD83 (CSRS) elevation from PPP 2018 solution processed in 2023.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2018-04-15 3.126 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985
2018-04-04 141.43 ACTIVE NAD83_CSRS
2018-04-04 176.155 ACTIVE CGVD2013
1992-01-01 176.635 ACTIVE IGLD85