Benchmark - H.S. 2 1958
Benchmark Number | H.S. 2 1958 |
Established In | 1958 |
Condition | GOOD |
Latitude | 43.243278 |
Longitude | -79.218095 |
Reference Benchmark | No |
Vertical Datum Code | UNKNOWN |
Setting | VERTICAL |
Description | A C.H.S. bronze tablet stamped H.S. 2 1958 in concrete retaining wall at west side of entrance to Welland Ship Canal, tablet set in top of wall at 90 degree turn, 2.4m north of south edge and 2.1m west of east edge. Approximately 180 m south of lighthouse entrance at south end of retaining wall. Horizontal Position updated December 2020 based on NRCan GPS 2002 24hr occupation. Unique number changed June 2021 from 58U508 to XXU9545 to match NRCAN database. |
Date | Elevation | Status | Vertical Datum Code |
N/A | 3.139 | ACTIVE | CDIGLD1985 |
N/A | 77.379 | ACTIVE | IGLD85 |