Benchmark - COLD5

Benchmark Number COLD5
Established In 1984
Condition GOOD
Latitude 45.253533
Longitude -74.2112
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description CHS convex bronze tablet stamped COLD-5, set vertically in the small east-west cement ledge on the east side of the wharf. The BM is located 1.33 m from the NE edge of the wharf(P1), 28.40 m from the inside corner of the S end of the wharf(P2) and 31.80 m from a lamppost at S end of Wharf(P3), 55.7m SE of COLD4. Coordinates updated based on 2024 field notes.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2002-11-06 1.546 ACTIVE CD