Benchmark - 80L514

Benchmark Number 80L514
Established In 1980
Condition GOOD
Latitude 45.39901
Longitude -73.258812
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description Convex GSC bronze tablet stamped 80L514, set vertically on the support wall of the east side of the road that runs along the east bank of the Chambly Canal, 1.2 km south of the swing bridge on Route 223 and 0.55 km north of the Fryer Dam. The marker is located 7.05 m from a beacon on a rod, 8.30 m from the southern end of the wall, 0.30 m from the east edge of the wall and 12.0 m from the centre of the gravel road.
Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
1987-01-01 1.455 ACTIVE CD